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My post this week has been prompted by the new website for the Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) prayer movement. This website is well designed and visually appealing. It is also easier to navigate to the information it holds.

Many of you are very busy women and have little time to spend keeping up with changes on the Internet. Thus, you are sometimes unaware of advances in web design and technology. But you do faithfully support and participate in the Fellowship of the Least Coin, so I know you will be interested in visiting this new website and exploring its pages.

This is the new website address

When you arrive at this website, you will see a lovely photograph at the top of the page, which interprets the fellowship prayer of peace, justice and reconciliation. Below this image is a brief paragraph of ongoing commitment to the FLC in our Covid-19 world.

Update 3 May 2021

Yesterday, 2 May 2021, the Covid message was followed by a poignant and timely message from Rev. Yamina Apolinaris, the chair of the International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin.

Today, 3 May 2021, there is a virtual flier noting several FLC updates for January to April 2021.

Fellowship of the Least Coin webpage

In the early days of the FLC, information about this prayer movement required the writing of articles, ‘snail-mail’ letters and memos, and even the occasional telegram to advise others of its purpose and how they could participate. It was also necessary for Shanti Solomon, the founder, to travel long distances to take the FLC message to women’s groups. Communication was vastly different from how we experience it today.

However, Shanti’s efforts were blessed, and many opportunities opened up for her to speak at large gatherings and assemblies like the Asian Church Women’s Conference ( Sometimes, it seemed that as soon as women heard about the FLC, they were passing on this information to others so that it quickly became a global movement (

Now this information is available to us when we strike a few keys on a computer keyboard or reach for our smartphones. I hope you will take the time to look at this new site.


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This Herstory Blog of Australian Church Women Inc. tells the stories of the women and activities of this national Christian organisation that was founded in February 1965.


Stories that inspired and encouraged me to begin this blog and share their inspiration with you. Stories that need to be told so that the women of ACW can be honoured and celebrated for their achievements and experiences in local, national and international communities of faith. And, most importantly, stories that demonstrate being disciples of Jesus Christ firmly underpins all that Australian Church Women represents.

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