This New Year message is from the January 1972 ACW National newsletter 'Women at Work'.
ANOTHER YEAR has dawned and for all of us in A.C.W. it is a year of responsibility and opportunity. May it be a happy year! But may we also experience enrichment of spirit, enlargement of vision and a strengthening of purpose and – perhaps what we need most of all – a glowing enthusiasm for the work of the Kingdom.
Recently in Brisbane, the Federal Treasurer (Mr. Sneddon) said that Australia could no longer afford the current luxury of mobilising only ‘about five per cent’ of the intellectual capacity of women.
“Changes must come,” he said, “because the old-fashioned ways of thinking about women and their roles could no longer be afforded. Women would and must contribute more. They must be allowed to contribute and compete, and use their judgment the same way as men.”
In days ahead the Church too, will be looking for a greater contribution from its women. Our hearts and hands have contributed to the life of the Church throughout the years – now we are being called upon to ‘use our heads’!
From Eileen Dingle [Vice-president 2 of the Queensland National Executive 1971–73 ]