Australian Church Women (ACW) printed a very brief Easter message for 1976 in their Women at Work newsletter. Even though it was brief, it succinctly captured the meaning of Easter. Brigadier Isabel Macintyre was one of two national vice-presidents then, and she wrote:
‘The central focus during April to the Christian must naturally be Easter. In the early Church, the Resurrection was the star in the firmament of the Church. The Resurrection was the GLORIOUS FACT on which all worship, all life were founded. To the centrality of the Easter Faith, the Resurrection Faith, we would do well to return.
May the power of the risen Christ be seen in your life and in mine.’
Here is a beautiful video that tells the story of Easter in song by two young Canadian sisters. The video was made for their Nana who is unwell and has not been able to attend church. This video was uploaded to YouTube only one week ago, and it has already been viewed by almost two million people around the globe. A powerful response to a powerful message.