A Christmas message from the pages of the November 1977 ACW National newsletter ‘Women at Work’.
The members of the Working Committee send you warmest greetings at Christmas and wish you all a New Year filled with challenging service and [we] bring you a Christmas reflection.
St. Luke says exultantly, “Today in the city of David a deliverer has been born to you!”
Like Job, so in today’s world millions cry, “If only I knew how to find Him!”
“Will just one find you Lord, through me?”
St. Luke goes on to say: “Then suddenly a heavenly choir burst forth in joyful songs of praise.”
But, far beyond, in the infinite abyss of heaven, there was a Father’s heart that was broken.
The angels could sing, the shepherds could rejoice and run to the manger in Bethlehem.
But the Father said nothing. His Son had gone to die. He was born in Bethlehem to die on Calvary’s cross. He gave us Christmas to remind us that He came.
This Christmas, mid the bustle of giving and receiving gifts, let us pause in gratitude for that other Gift.
Reflect on what it cost the Giver and make a response of love.
Let’s have courage:
“Lo I am with you always even unto the end.”
We have hope:
“Behold I am making all things new.”
So let’s reflect on what it cost the Giver – and make a response of love.
Win Dougherty